Dear St. Elizabeth’s School Community,

Our faculty, staff, and administrators have worked hard this year to implement several aspects of our Strategic Plan. You may recall that our Strategic Plan is divided into four areas of focus: Purpose, Program, People, and Financing. In this first of two updates on the Strategic Plan, I am excited to share some significant achievements around Program and People for the 2023-2024 school year. These initiatives are not only aligned with our mission but are also designed to enhance student learning and development. Your ongoing support and engagement have been instrumental in helping us achieve key milestones.

Program Achievements

Professional Development
We have implemented new professional development programs this year, focusing on math instruction, inclusive education practices, and technological competencies. By investing in our teachers' growth, we enhance their ability to deliver high-quality instruction that meets students' diverse needs. 

Enhanced Curriculum
Teachers have worked throughout the year to align curriculum and design units grounded in universal design for learning (UDL) and culturally responsive pedagogy. These approaches make instruction accessible to a wider range of learners and help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills while making learning more relevant and engaging. 

Equity and Belonging Statement
Led by our Equity and Belonging Task Force, we have a nearly finalized Equity and Belonging Statement that outlines what we believe about equity and belonging and what we can expect of one another. We will be finalizing this document over the summer and proudly including it on our website to better communicate why diversity, equity, and belonging are essential to who we are as a school.

Assessment, Grading, and Reporting Policy Shifts
In the Middle School, we are redesigning our assessment, grading, and reporting systems to align with our mission and values, focusing on accuracy, transparency, equity, hope, and perseverance. Teachers have been meeting and researching best practices since December, and are working to redesign our gradebooks, report cards, and policies to center these values. If you're interested in giving feedback on the report card changes that will be coming next year, reach out to Ms. Poulsen to be included in the caregiver focus group. These changes ensure that our assessment practices support student growth and a more comprehensive  reflection of their learning. 

New Standardized Assessment
We have transitioned from the TerraNova test to the NWEA MAP test for our school-wide standardized test. The ability to test three times a year with the MAP versus once with the TerraNovas allows us to have multiple opportunities to measure growth and inform instruction. We are rolling out the MAP test in grades 5-8 next week, and will be including younger grades next year. This assessment has been proven to be an accurate and reliable measure of students' growth and achievement in Reading, Language Usage, and Math, and is used and trusted by many schools in the region. We will be sharing this data with parents starting next fall in our individual student conferences as another data point on students' growth toward the grade-level standards. The shift to MAP testing enables all families and faculty to engage in more data-driven conversations around how students are performing academically.

People Achievements

Parent/Caregiver Engagement
The home-school partnership is essential. This year, we hosted several Parent/Caregiver Coffees and Info Nights to foster that partnership and to learn more about the ways we can work together to support our students. In addition to the coffees and informational sessions, SESPA continues to engage parents through dine-outs, class get togethers, and community events such as the Taste of St. E’s and the Fun Run. We are grateful to SESPA for their hard work this year in creating community and giving us all a reason to dance the “Cha-Cha Slide.”

Teaching and Learning Vision
We have a nearly completed vision document for teachers, parents, and other stakeholders that outlines what excellent teaching and learning look like at St. Elizabeth's School. The process for creating this document has included research and brainstorming from all our staculty during our professional learning days, starting in September and going through April. Later this document will be the basis of our updated teacher growth and evaluation system.

Code of Conduct
We have developed a simplified version of our community agreements for students to easily understand and sign. The process for creating this document started in September with drafts created by a faculty committee, then feedback was solicited from students, parents, and other staculty. This initiative fosters a positive school culture by setting clear expectations for behavior and encouraging students to take responsibility for their actions, which is crucial for a healthy learning environment.

Enrollment Growth
Our strategic outreach and community engagement efforts have resulted in a 23% increase in applicants this year, positioning us well to continue growing enrollment. This growth allows us to bring in diverse perspectives, enriching the learning environment for all students.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to our faculty, staff, and administration for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Their efforts, coupled with your support, are crucial to our success. I look forward to what we will further accomplish together in the coming months.

Best foot forward,

Adriana Murphy
Head of School